big kid stuff


Just another weblog


the only thing california is more dramatic about than octo-mom is earthquakes. and in case you’re not hip to twitter, you should know we had a 8.9 4.7 earthquake here in so cal on sunday. and yes, we all almost nearly died.

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Ellen page has good range


dang, i really wish her name was "ellen pange" just to add dramatic effect and rhyme.

anyway, beside the point, i watch An  American Crime today on SHOWTIME, and crime460i thought it was really good. i remember hearing about it through my Entertainment Weekly back (in the day) when Sundance was going on, but i never saw it. luckily, SHOWTIME is the place to be to see random movies that never made it to theater! also lucky for me, Entertainment Weekly put it in one of those "what to watch" kind of sections. [yes, i do and watch everything my Entertainment Weekly tells me to, thank you].

it’s a true story that happened in Indiana that stars ellen page and  catherine keener, who both do a great job at portraying their roles, it is a bit violet, but i hear that The Girl Next Door, which is about the same thing, is more violent.

all in all, i thought it was a good movie, most people argue that the ending was terrible, but they can shove it and go whine about something that needs to be whined about, like Speed Racer.

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he’s like a dolphin mixed with jesus

he can do know wrong. he can even rock a porn ‘stache. actually, that’s not okay. but you can do whatever you want when you have a body like that and break world records without breaking a sweat.  really though, i like how he said he was in “cruise control” during the prelims. for me, “cruise control” is going into any gas station and locating the strawberry wafers and cactus cooler.i’ve got to go. i’m going to buy those paris hilton and nicole richie books on amazon so i can shed some pounds fast. them i’m gonna buy the jose canseco book so i can ‘roid- i mean bulk up

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because i’m more trendy on the inside than the outside

so, i’m trying to celebrate ending  12 years [14 for me] of school by going where? good ‘ole grade nite! while i was waiting in line for space mountain with my friends, i see this HOT MESS:


nope, this isn’t photoshopped:

  • white and grey striped tanke top-check
  • tucked in to white, jean/see through shorts-check
  • white bots to match-check.

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Fan Girl Squee

Fan Girl Squee

Originally uploaded by yoursournotes

where can i get one, dammit?!?!

and can i customize it to say ” 😉 of course you’re my boo.” on the back?!

this is one of those times where i wish i was like, steve jobs or oprah, hell, i’d take lindasy lohan, so i could get my personal assistant [assistants if you’re oprah, or jesus] to be like “GET ME ONE OF THOSE SHIRTS STAT,BITCH!!!” ya dig?

Filed under: back off my man b!@&#!, politics schmolitics, pop culture, television, Uncategorized, , , , , ,

I wish i could somehow doctor myself into this video

[redlasso id=”bde1a1b5-d325-43ff-aa33-c87303a46754″]
just so i could pretend for a second that anderson cooper-the silver fox that is, wanted to be my boo.

sigh, some old black ladies on CNN have all the luck.i hope to someday come across an anderson cooper cardboard cut-out just to steal it, actually, i’ll write back later, i’ve got some mean ebay searchin’ to do. ;P

Filed under: politics schmolitics, pop culture, silly americans, television, Uncategorized, , , ,

i can now cross ‘plinko’ off of the list

i don’t know about you, but “play plinko” is on my list of things to do before i die, and now i get to!:

i got the price is right computer game:

it’s pretty much the best computer game i’ve come across. [to this day, not compared to scrabble and bookworm adventures deluxe] and the best part is:


i love plinko. seriously, you don’t even know how much i love plinko. i don’t even know why, it’s most likely because i like playing plinko.

but seriously, if you’re a fan of the price is right, i recommend this game.

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since perez hilton won’t do it

i have to do my own damn “separated at birth” post:

left:carver from the weekenders; right: parker from big brother 9

now, i don’t know if i’m the only one who sees it, but the weekenders was a pretty bomb ass show and every time i see parker from big brother 8 i think of it.

that is all. a simple “separated at birth” post.

i’m off to clean off my dvr.

top chef.the real housewives of new york. you know, the whole bravo shebang.

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