big kid stuff


Just another weblog

Spring Semester Countdown: 14 More Days

and i am going nutz (that’s what the kids say these days). i have a practically full tivo and i don’t want to watch any of it. this is nothing new though, since i already finished

the bachelor

true/real beauty (the actual title escapes me)

gossip girl (don’t judge)

momma’s boys (again, don’t judge.)

i even took up knitting! i did all of this in a 6-hour time frame!

if the spring semester doesn’t start soon, i’m going to start drinking coffee and re-locate to starbucks. i’m sure i have a screenplay somewhere in my head. if not, i’ll probably just order a hot chocolate and write on imdb message boards and comment on gawker posts like i always do.

Filed under: boo, crafty, lazy, life support, reality tv, school, television, we are the internet

Before I Start My "Weekly Sunday Homework Rush"

Today, I’m feeling extra fierce. As in Sasha Fierce. Yes, I know I shouldn’t encourage Beyonce‘s nosense. But, you have to admit: even though she is the farthest thing from fierce, she inspires some pretty fierce stuff. Exhibit A:

I mean, wow. Those moves. I don’t know how long that song has been out, but this guy means one thing: business dedication.

But now, my personal fave:

Yes. You just watch that. I literally want to be that little boy when I grow up. Not really, but I want to watch a few episodes of Project Runway, What Not To Wear, and Beverly Hills, 90210 (The original one, where real bitch fights actually occur) just to get his insight on life. This kid needs his own after school dance special, or at least to be on Yo Gabba Gabba. He has some real serious moves going on. HE KICKED A CHAIR, DAMMNIT! He even did the splits in that amazing finish! Perfect 10.

And for my dance-off results:

The first guy has some real serious business going on. And I’m not sure (Because I refuse to watch a Beyonce music video) but I’m pretty sure he juist copied her dance moves; so I’ll have to dock some originality points.

However, the kid in the second video isn’t nearly as polished, mostly because he’s a kid. But he has some real Footloose potential, so I’ll make note to email Zac Efron‘s agent later.

But now the main reason: I get flashbacks of Christian Bale in The Machinist watching the first video, and that just ain’t cool.


Filed under: crafty, danceoff, dancin' fool, life support, more woman than me, music, oh no she didn't, pop culture, silly americans, um hmm girlfriend