big kid stuff


Just another weblog

I’ve decided that it would take a lot for my to kill myself

noflash_logd33ofor example, baja blast would be discontinued like sprite remix (r.ip. dear friend, we had many good sessions). man, that mess is delicious. i’ve been secretly praying for a while that they would bottle what i like to call "heaven on tap" would be bottled. but if they did bottle it, i’d have absolutely no reason

to go to taco bell. really, you don’t know how many times i’ve wanted cheese fries from carl’s jr. but said taco bell just for the baja blast.

i would also be pretty upset if sawyer was killed/magically disappeared from LOST. now, jamesi’m not sure if i would literally kill myself, or just wait around until LOST finished it’s run, but i’d be on very thin ice. for example, if sawyer was killed, then i went to taco bell and all the baja blast was gone, i’d probably take a family hostage inside of taco bell; john q style. i would also request that they send josh holloway and matthew fox to coax me out. i’m a middle child, i find neediness necessary.

cooper-cropd and lastly my boo, anderson cooper, would have to be taken off air. why? …what do you mean why? look at him. he’s the coop, the silver fox! even though i’m pretty sure his wardrobe only consists of those tight black tees [that i happen to lvoe] and suits, i’d take him anyway. on the inside, i slightly wish he would run for president;hell, i’d vote for his fine ass.*

*and so would you is you know what’s best.

Filed under: baja blast, boo, delicious, LOST, mountain dew, my boo, sawyer, sprite remix, taco bell