big kid stuff


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Fan Girl Squee

Fan Girl Squee

Originally uploaded by yoursournotes

where can i get one, dammit?!?!

and can i customize it to say ” 😉 of course you’re my boo.” on the back?!

this is one of those times where i wish i was like, steve jobs or oprah, hell, i’d take lindasy lohan, so i could get my personal assistant [assistants if you’re oprah, or jesus] to be like “GET ME ONE OF THOSE SHIRTS STAT,BITCH!!!” ya dig?

Filed under: back off my man b!@&#!, politics schmolitics, pop culture, television, Uncategorized, , , , , ,

I wish i could somehow doctor myself into this video

[redlasso id=”bde1a1b5-d325-43ff-aa33-c87303a46754″]
just so i could pretend for a second that anderson cooper-the silver fox that is, wanted to be my boo.

sigh, some old black ladies on CNN have all the luck.i hope to someday come across an anderson cooper cardboard cut-out just to steal it, actually, i’ll write back later, i’ve got some mean ebay searchin’ to do. ;P

Filed under: politics schmolitics, pop culture, silly americans, television, Uncategorized, , , ,



This American Life is back!!! pretty much, if you’ve never seen this show, you are an effing tard (or your parents don’t pay for SHOWTIME) either way, you are screwed. tonight, i am currently watching a segment ira (that’s Ira Glass) calls “Act I: Ask an Iraqi”. it’s already one of my favorite. i recommend it. there’s an eleven year-old girl apologizing to an Iraqi for us invading their country and “acting like we owned it”. screw hilary, obama, mccain, and whoever else you are considering voting for. this little girl knows where its at, i kind of wish i could vote for her, and i wish she was my best friend.

Filed under: life support, politics schmolitics, pop culture, silly americans, television