big kid stuff


Just another weblog

Spring Semester Countdown: 14 More Days

and i am going nutz (that’s what the kids say these days). i have a practically full tivo and i don’t want to watch any of it. this is nothing new though, since i already finished

the bachelor

true/real beauty (the actual title escapes me)

gossip girl (don’t judge)

momma’s boys (again, don’t judge.)

i even took up knitting! i did all of this in a 6-hour time frame!

if the spring semester doesn’t start soon, i’m going to start drinking coffee and re-locate to starbucks. i’m sure i have a screenplay somewhere in my head. if not, i’ll probably just order a hot chocolate and write on imdb message boards and comment on gawker posts like i always do.

Filed under: boo, crafty, lazy, life support, reality tv, school, television, we are the internet

sparknotes has finally failed me after all these years[semesters]

as a high school/community college student, i must admit i’veused up my fair share of sparknotes resources. but i have a 4-6 page essay on girl with a pearl earring due at 12:30 tomorrow (so understandbly i’m on the internet writing a blog) that i haven’t even thought twice about.i went to spark notes to get a few ideas, and for some strange reason, they have the matrix trilogy and star wars but not girl with a pearl earring. yes, thats GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING, if there was ever a time i thought sparknotes would have my back in the literature to film department, it’s now! seriously? come on sparknotes. they even have lord of the rings. what teacher assigns that? and what could you possibly need to use sparknotes for if it was assigned? they should just add gossip girl and the a-list on there and call it a party.

Filed under: school, , , , , , , , , ,