big kid stuff


Just another weblog

Fan Girl Squee

Fan Girl Squee

Originally uploaded by yoursournotes

where can i get one, dammit?!?!

and can i customize it to say ” 😉 of course you’re my boo.” on the back?!

this is one of those times where i wish i was like, steve jobs or oprah, hell, i’d take lindasy lohan, so i could get my personal assistant [assistants if you’re oprah, or jesus] to be like “GET ME ONE OF THOSE SHIRTS STAT,BITCH!!!” ya dig?

Filed under: back off my man b!@&#!, politics schmolitics, pop culture, television, Uncategorized, , , , , ,

I wish i could somehow doctor myself into this video

[redlasso id=”bde1a1b5-d325-43ff-aa33-c87303a46754″]
just so i could pretend for a second that anderson cooper-the silver fox that is, wanted to be my boo.

sigh, some old black ladies on CNN have all the luck.i hope to someday come across an anderson cooper cardboard cut-out just to steal it, actually, i’ll write back later, i’ve got some mean ebay searchin’ to do. ;P

Filed under: politics schmolitics, pop culture, silly americans, television, Uncategorized, , , ,



This American Life is back!!! pretty much, if you’ve never seen this show, you are an effing tard (or your parents don’t pay for SHOWTIME) either way, you are screwed. tonight, i am currently watching a segment ira (that’s Ira Glass) calls “Act I: Ask an Iraqi”. it’s already one of my favorite. i recommend it. there’s an eleven year-old girl apologizing to an Iraqi for us invading their country and “acting like we owned it”. screw hilary, obama, mccain, and whoever else you are considering voting for. this little girl knows where its at, i kind of wish i could vote for her, and i wish she was my best friend.

Filed under: life support, politics schmolitics, pop culture, silly americans, television

Me and Firefox are in a tussle

firefox_logofor some strange reason, if i leave mozilla firefox open too long, my entire laptop crashes and shuts down. weird huh? i’m  not gonna bitch about it and send hate mail to the creators, because this is most likely karma for me illegally downloading so many movies, tv shows, CDs, etc.

Filed under: lazy, life support

i can now cross ‘plinko’ off of the list

i don’t know about you, but “play plinko” is on my list of things to do before i die, and now i get to!:

i got the price is right computer game:

it’s pretty much the best computer game i’ve come across. [to this day, not compared to scrabble and bookworm adventures deluxe] and the best part is:


i love plinko. seriously, you don’t even know how much i love plinko. i don’t even know why, it’s most likely because i like playing plinko.

but seriously, if you’re a fan of the price is right, i recommend this game.

Filed under: Uncategorized

since perez hilton won’t do it

i have to do my own damn “separated at birth” post:

left:carver from the weekenders; right: parker from big brother 9

now, i don’t know if i’m the only one who sees it, but the weekenders was a pretty bomb ass show and every time i see parker from big brother 8 i think of it.

that is all. a simple “separated at birth” post.

i’m off to clean off my dvr.

top chef.the real housewives of new york. you know, the whole bravo shebang.

Filed under: Uncategorized

sparknotes has finally failed me after all these years[semesters]

as a high school/community college student, i must admit i’veused up my fair share of sparknotes resources. but i have a 4-6 page essay on girl with a pearl earring due at 12:30 tomorrow (so understandbly i’m on the internet writing a blog) that i haven’t even thought twice about.i went to spark notes to get a few ideas, and for some strange reason, they have the matrix trilogy and star wars but not girl with a pearl earring. yes, thats GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING, if there was ever a time i thought sparknotes would have my back in the literature to film department, it’s now! seriously? come on sparknotes. they even have lord of the rings. what teacher assigns that? and what could you possibly need to use sparknotes for if it was assigned? they should just add gossip girl and the a-list on there and call it a party.

Filed under: school, , , , , , , , , ,

worst movie hair styles

let me just say first that i thought sweeney todd was a horrible movie. for some strange reason unknown, i hate when people touch my neck, so watching that montage of throat-slitting made me want to kill myself. and plus, i just thought it was an all-around horrible movie. it also made Yahoo!’s “Worst Hairstyles in Movies” list:

but, i kind of like the 80’s bob in no country for old men

…i think.

and if there is a list that has “worst” or “horrible” or “not good” in the title, naturally, from justin to kelly has to be in it:

Filed under: Export

i have a douche load of work to do

but yet i remain on the internet.
checking virb, facebook, myspace, and whatnot.
looking at the list of golden globe winners (p.s; johnny depp and that horrid movie shouldn’t have won)
reading blogs. pathetic. laziness at its best (or worst…whatev)

that is all.

*snicker* i said douche load… wtf is that?

Filed under: Export

WTF bravo?!?!?

how am i supposed to do my homework when you air snazzy shows like project runway and make me a supermodel???

come one guys! you can’t play project runway in the morning when i’m trying to be productive! and what is this:


huh? let’s get a better handle on these time slots, at least until summer ;P

Filed under: Export